Practice work 5/18-5/21 (please Choose one item each day for 2-3 minutes)
Chinese video
Reading Practice: (When listening, please say it along with finger pointing. 2-3 minutes per day)
小学华文(Better Chinese)
Chinese Writing Practice (Please write two square boxes in each characters and have your child read it to you)
星期 (week), 什么(What? ), 明天 (tomorrow), 我 的 (my), 吗 (question),这 (this),是 (is ), , 有 (have), 和 (and), 那 (that)
Stroke order practice:
Show & Tell
Math Practice: (for those students finish it with quiz. They will receive 5 nicles.)
Envision Math (as assigned,due date is 5/24)
Practice work 5/11-5/15 (please Choose one item each day for 2-3 minutes)
Chinese video
Reading Practice: (When listening, please say it along with finger pointing. 2-3 minutes per day)
小学华文(Better Chinese)
WRITING PRACTICE: (Writing paper due 5/15)
Chinese Writing Practice (Please write two square boxes in each characters and have your child read it to you)
星期 (week), 什么(What? ), 明天 (tomorrow), 我 的 (my), 吗 (question),这 (this),是 (is ), , 有 (have), 和 (and), 那 (that)
Stroke order practice:
Show & Tell
Math Practice: (for those students finish it with quiz. They will receive 5 nicles.)
Envision Math (as assigned,due date is 5/17)
Practice work 5/4-5/8 (please Choose one item each day for 2-3 minutes)
Chinese video
Reading Practice: (When listening, please say it along with finger pointing. 2-3 minutes per day)
小学华文(Better Chinese)
WRITING PRACTICE: (Writing paper due 5/8)
Chinese Writing Practice (Dear Parents: last week most of your child didn't do good with their test. We will retake it again this Friday. Please write two square boxes in each characters and have your child read it to you)
眼睛 (eye), 鼻子 (nose),耳朵 (ear),头发 (hair), 那(that), 手(hand)
Stroke order practice
Show & Tell
Math Practice: (for those students finish it with quiz. They will receive 5 nicles.)
Envision Math (as assigned,due date is 5/10)
Practice work 4/27-5/1 (please Choose one item each day for 2-3 minutes)
Chinese video
Reading Practice: (When listening, please say it along with finger pointing. 2-3 minutes per day)
小学华文(Better Chinese)
WRITING PRACTICE: (Writing paper due 5/1)
Chinese Writing Practice (Please write two square boxes in each characters and have your child read it to you)
眼睛 (eye), 鼻子 (nose),耳朵 (ear),头发 (hair), 那(that), 手(hand)
Stroke order practice
Show & Tell
Math Practice: (for those students finish it with quiz. They will receive 5 nicles.)
Envision Math (as assigned,due date is 5/2)
Practice work 4/20-4/24 (please Choose one item each day for 2-3 minutes)
Chinese video
Reading Practice: (When listening, please say it along with finger pointing. 2-3 minutes per day)
小学华文(Better Chinese)
WRITING PRACTICE: (Writing paper due 4/24)
Chinese Writing Practice (Please write two square boxes in each characters and have your child read it to you)
这 (This), 是 (is),有 (have, has),谁 (who), 爱(love), 可爱(lovely)
Stroke order practice
Math Practice: (for those students finish it with quiz. They will receive 5 nicles.)
Envision Math (as assigned,due date is 4/26)
Practice work 4/13-4/17 (please Choose one item each day for 2-3 minutes)
Chinese video
Reading Practice: (When listening, please say it along with finger pointing. 2-3 minutes per day)
小学华文(Better Chinese)
WRITING PRACTICE: (Writing paper due 3/20)
Chinese Writing Practice (Please write two square boxes in each characters and have your child read it to you)
看 (see), 他 (he),朵 (measurement word),儿 (it doesn't have any meaning by itself. It needs to combine with other work in order to create new meaning.), 个 (measurement word), 哪儿(where)
Stroke order practice
Math Practice: (for those students finish it with quiz. They will receive 5 nicles.)
Envision Math (as assigned,due date is 4/17)
Practice work 3/30-4/3 (please Choose one item each day for 2-3 minutes)
Chinese video
Reading Practice: (When listening, please say it along with finger pointing. 2-3 minutes per day)
小学华文(Better Chinese)
WRITING PRACTICE: (Writing paper due 3/20)
Chinese Writing Practice (Please write two square boxes in each characters and have your child read it to you)
你 ( you), 我 (I), 他 (He), 她 (she), 喜欢 (like), 现在 ( now)
Stroke order practice
Math Practice: (for those students finish it with quiz. They will receive 5 nicles.)
Envision Math (as assigned,due date is 4/5)
Practice work 3/23-3/27 (please Choose one item each day for 2-3 minutes)
Chinese video
Reading Practice: (When listening, please say it along with finger pointing. 2-3 minutes per day)
小学华文(Better Chinese)
WRITING PRACTICE: (Writing paper due 3/20)
Chinese Writing Practice (Please write two square boxes in each characters and have your child read it to you)
月 (moon)山(mountain) 石(rock) 田(field) 土 (dirt) 水(water) 火(fire) 木 (wood) 禾(grain), 地 (ground)
Stroke order practice
Practice work 3/16-3/20 (please Choose one item each day for 2-3 minutes)
Chinese video
Better Chinese 11 zhongwe12
Reading Practice: (When listening, please say it along with finger pointing. 2-3 minutes per day)
小学华文(Better Chinese)
WRITING PRACTICE: (Writing paper due 3/20)
Chinese Writing Practice (Please write two square boxes in each characters and have your child read it to you)
马( horse) , 羊(Goat), 虫 (insect), 鸟 (bird), 草 (grass),黄 (yellow), 白 (white),黑 (black),
红 (red), 绿(green), 蓝(blue)
Stroke order practice
Math Practice: (for those students finish it with quiz. They will receive 5 nicles.)
Envision Math (as assigned,due date is 3/22)
Practice work 3/9-3/13 (please Choose one item each day for 2-3 minutes)
Chinese video
Better Chinese 11 zhongwe12
Reading Practice: (When listening, please say it along with finger pointing. 2-3 minutes per day)
小学华文(Better Chinese)
WRITING PRACTICE: (Writing paper due 2/13)
Chinese Writing Practice (Please write two square boxes in each characters and have your child read it to you)
马( horse) , 羊(Goat), 虫 (insect), 鸟 (bird), 草 (grass),黄 (yellow), 白 (white),黑 (black),
红 (red), 绿(green), 蓝(blue)
Stroke order practice
Math Practice: (for those students finish it with quiz. They will receive 5 nicles.)
Envision Math (as assigned,due date is 3/15)
Practice work 3/2-3/6 (please Choose one item each day for 2-3 minutes)
Chinese video
Better Chinese 12 zhongwen7
Reading Practice: (When listening, please say it along with finger pointing. 2-3 minutes per day)
小学华文(Better Chinese)
WRITING PRACTICE: (Writing paper due 2/13)
Chinese Writing Practice (Please write two square boxes in each characters and have your child read it to you)
牛奶 (milk),认识 (to acquaint), 喜欢 (like),现在(now),再见(good-bye),吃 (eat), 喝 (drink), 什么( what?),要 (want), 想 (think)
Stroke order practice
Practice work 2/23-2/26 (please Choose one item each day for 2-3 minutes)
Chinese video
Better Chinese 12 zhongwen7
Reading Practice: (When listening, please say it along with finger pointing. 2-3 minutes per day)
小学华文(Better Chinese)
WRITING PRACTICE: (Writing paper due 2/13)
Chinese Writing Practice (Please write two square boxes in each characters and have your child read it to you)
苹果 (apple),吃 (eat),喜欢 (like), 鱼 (fish),现在(now), 要 (want),想 (think), 再见(good-bye),我们(we), 牛(cow)
Stroke order practice
Practice work 2/17-2/20 (please Choose one item each day for 2-3 minutes)
Chinese video
Better Chinese 12 zhongwen7
Reading Practice: (When listening, please say it along with finger pointing. 2-3 minutes per day)
小学华文(Better Chinese)
WRITING PRACTICE: (Writing paper due 2/13)
Chinese Writing Practice (Please write two square boxes in each characters and have your child read it to you)
高兴 (happy),喝 (drink), 很好 (very good), 你们 (you),见(to see), 要 (want),想 (think), 吃 (eat),可乐(coke), 汽水(soda)
Stroke order practice
Math Practice: (Optional, for those students finish it with quiz. They will receive 5 nicles.)
Envision Math (as assigned,due date is 2/22)
Practice work 2/9-2/13 (please Choose one item each day for 2-3 minutes)
Chinese video
BC 7 & Zhongwen 11
Reading Practice: (When listening, please say it along with finger pointing. 2-3 minutes per day)
小学华文(Better Chinese)
WRITING PRACTICE: (Writing paper due 2/13)
Chinese Writing Practice (Please write two square boxes in each characters and have your child read it to you)
高兴 (happy),喝 (drink),什么 (What?), 很 (very), 今天(today),明天(tomorrow), 昨天 (yesterday), 妈妈 (mother), 爸爸(father), 姐姐(big sister),
Stroke Order Practice
Math Practice: (Optional, for those students finish it with quiz. They will receive 5 nicles.)
Envision Math (as assigned,due date is 2/15)
Practice work 2/2-2/4 (please Choose one item each day for 2-3 minutes)
Chinese video
BC 7 & Zhongwen 11
Chinese Writing Practice (Please write two square boxes in each characters and have your child read it to you)
学校 (school),谢谢 (thank),家 (home), 你好(Hello),她 (she), 小狗 (little dog), 是 (is, am), 爱(love), 本子(notebook), 我爱你(I love you)
Stroke Order Practice
Math Practice: (Optional, for those students finish it with quiz. They will receive 5 nicles.)
Envision Math (as assigned,due date is 2/8)
Practice work 1/26-1/30(please Choose one item each day for 2-3 minutes)
Chinese video
BC 7 & Zhongwen 11
WRITING PRACTICE: (Writing paper due 2/1)
Chinese Writing Practice (Please write two square boxes in each characters and have your child read it to you)
学校 (school),谢谢 (thank),家 (home), 你好(Hello),她 (she), 小狗 (little dog), 是 (is, am), 爱(love), 本子(notebook), 我爱你(I love you)
Stroke Order Practice
Math Practice: (Optional, for those students finish it with quiz. They will receive 5 nicles.)
Envision Math (as assigned,due date is 2/1)
Practice work 1/20-1/23 (please Choose one item each day for 2-3 minutes)
Chinese video
BC 7 & Zhongwen 11
WRITING PRACTICE: (Writing paper due 1/23)
Chinese Writing Practice (Please write two square boxes in each characters and have your child read it to you)
学生 (student),老师 (teacher),我 (I), 爱(love),你(you),是(are, am, is),认 (to know),哪里 (where?) (where?), 哪国人 (what nationality?),家
Stroke Order Practice
Math Practice: (Optional, for those students finish it with quiz. They will receive 5 nicles.)
Envision Math (as assigned,due date is 1/23)
Practice work 1/12-1/16 (please Choose one item each day for 2-3 minutes)
Chinese video
BC 7 & Zhongwen 11
WRITING PRACTICE: (Writing paper due 1/16)
Chinese Writing Practice (Please write two square boxes in each characters and have your child read it to you)
朋友 (friend),认 (to know),面 (surface or side), 在 (at), 哪国 (which country?), 哪里 (where?), 哪国人 (what nationality?) 里面 (inside)
Stroke Order Practice
Math Practice: (Optional, for those students finish it with quiz. They will receive 5 nicles.)
Envision Math (as assigned,due date is 1/16)
Chinese video
Class frequently use words
WRITING PRACTICE: (Writing paper due 1/9)
Chinese Writing Practice (Please write two square boxes in each characters and have your child read it to you)
朋友 (friend),认 (to know),面 (surface or side), 在 (at), 哪国 (which country?), 哪里 (where?), 哪国人 (what nationality?)
Stroke Order Practice
Math Practice: (Optional, for those students finish it with quiz. They will receive 5 nicles.)
Envision Math (as assigned,due date is 1/11)
Practice work 12/8-12/12 (please do each item daily for 2-3 minutes)
Some parents suggested me to have English definition for the Chinese characters, so I include the quizlet with it.
Chinese Writing Practice (Please write three boxes in each characters and have your child read it to you)
Chinese video
Chinese characters stroke order:星期 (week), 什么(What? ), 明天 (tomorrow), 我 的 (my), 吗 (question),这 (this),是 (is ), , 有 (have), 和 (and), 那 (that)
BetterChinese lesson 9
Envision Math (Topics 4, 5 test as assigned,due date is 12/18)
Practice work 12/1-12/5 (please do each item daily for 2-3 minutes)
Some parents suggested me to have English definition for the Chinese characters, so I include the quizlet with it.
Chinese Writing Practice (Please write three boxes in each characters and have your child read it to you)
Chinese video (Please watch the first one to be familiar with months in Chinese)
BetterChinese lesson 9
Math Practice:
Envision Math (Topics as assigned,due date is 12/7)
Practice work 11/24-11/25 (please do each item daily for 2-3 minutes)
Some parents suggested me to have English definition for the Chinese characters, so I include the quizlet with it.
Chinese video (Please watch the first one to be familiar with months in Chinese)
Please tell your child that he/she can earn 5 nickels if they can sing family song by heart.
Please have you students watch Doubling and Sum movie. For those students can sing their Doubling and Sum movie by heart (see Practice page 11/10-11/13) , they will earn 5 nickels.
Note: Please watch the tutorial video and do the quiz. For those students finished all their Math practices, they will earn 4 nickels each week.
For students who get 100 on their Chinese quiz, Math topic test, or any quiz, they will earn 3 nickels. For those who get 90+ will earn 2 nickels.
Homework 11/17-11/21 (please do each item daily for 2-3 minutes)
Some parents suggested me to have English definition for the Chinese characters, so I include the quizlet with it.
Chinese video (Please watch the first one to be familiar with months in Chinese)
Please tell your child that he/she can earn 5 nickels if they can sing family song by hear.
Please have you students watch Doubling and Sum movie. For those students can sing their Doubling and Sum movie by heart (see Homework 11/10-11/13) , they will earn 5 nickels.
Note: Please watch the tutorial video and do the quiz. For those students finished all their homework, they will earn 4 nickels each week.
For students who get 100 on their Chinese quiz, Math topic test, or any quiz, they will earn 3 3 nickels. For those who get 90+ will earn 2 nickels.
Homework 11/10-11/13 (please do each item daily for 2-3 minutes)
Some parents suggested me to have English definition for the Chinese characters, so I include the quizlet with it.
Chinese video (Please watch the first one to be familiar with months in Chinese)
中文第四课 (Zhong Wen 1-4)
Some parents suggested me to have English definition for the Chinese characters, so I include the quizlet with it.
Chinese video (Please watch the first one to be familiar with months in Chinese)
中文第四课 (Zhong Wen 1-4)
Note: Please watch the tutorial video and do the quiz. For those students finished all their homework, they will earn 4 dragon scales each week.
For students who get 100 on their Chinese quiz, Math topic test, or any quiz, they will earn 3 dragon scales. For those who get 90+ will earn 2 dragon scales, and for those who get 80+ will earn 1 dragon scale.
Homework 10/27-10/31 (please do each item daily for 2-3 minutes)
Some parents suggested me to have English definition for the Chinese characters, so I include the quizlet with it.
Chinese video
中文第四课 (Zhong Wen 1-4)
Envision Math (Topic1- 4)
Homework 10/20-10/24 (please do each item daily for 2-3 minutes)
Some parents suggested me to have English definition for the Chinese characters, so I include the quizlet with it.
Chinese video
Better Chinese Lesson 5
考试的生词 Zhong wen 2( Chinese characters test review)
quizlet BC4 (Parents you can find the above Chinese characters in the quizlet with English meaning; however, those characters are not in order.)
Homework 10/13-10/15 (please do each item daily for 2-3 minutes)
Some parents suggested me to have English definition for the Chinese characters, so I include the quizlet with it.
Chinese video
考试的生词 Zhong wen 2( Chinese vocabulary test review)
quizlet BC4 (Parents you can find the above Chinese characters in the quizlet with English meaning; however, those characters are not in order.)
Math homework:
Envision Math
Homework 10/6-10/9 (please do each item daily for 2-3 minutes)
Chinese video
考试的生词 Zhong wen 2( Chinese vocabulary test review)
quizlet BC4 (Parents you can find the above Chinese characters in the quizlet with English meaning; however, those characters are not in order.)
Math homework:
Envision Math
Homework 9/29-10/2 (please do each item daily for 2-3 minutes)
Chinese video
考试的生词( Chinese vocabulary test review)
Math homework:
Envision Math
Homework 9/22-9/26 (please do each item daily for 2-3 minutes)
你是哪国人?(What is your nationality?)
Chinese video
考试的生词( Chinese vocabulary test review)
Math homework: (Parents, you will see first three assignment, then two more tutorial videos will post on 9/24)
Envision Math
Homework 9/15-9/18
Chinese homework: (please do each item daily for 2-3 minutes)
考试的生词(This week Chinese test vocabulary)
( Note: Parents, please click arrow sign to see the stroke order. Click on the right hand side, the to hear the sound. Click the to see the picture. Please feel free to contact me for all your concerned and questions:)
Math homework: (same as last week)
Envision Math
Homework 9/8-9/12
Chinese homework: (please do each item daily for 2-3 minutes)
Quizlet BC 1-3
Chinese video
Chinese vocabulary with stroke order ( Note: Parents, please click arrow sign
to see the stroke order. Click on the right hand side, the to hear the sound. Click the to see the picture. Please feel free to contact for all your concerned and questions.)
Math homework:
Envision Math
Homework 9/1-9/5
Chinese homework: (please do each item daily for 2-3 minutes)
Chinese video
Math homework:
Envision Math
Week 8/25-8/29
Chinese homework:
Chinese video
Math homework:
Envision Math
Homework Disclosure
Chinese video
Reading Practice: (When listening, please say it along with finger pointing. 2-3 minutes per day)
小学华文(Better Chinese)
Chinese Writing Practice (Please write two square boxes in each characters and have your child read it to you)
星期 (week), 什么(What? ), 明天 (tomorrow), 我 的 (my), 吗 (question),这 (this),是 (is ), , 有 (have), 和 (and), 那 (that)
Stroke order practice:
Show & Tell
Envision Math (as assigned,due date is 5/24)
Practice work 5/11-5/15 (please Choose one item each day for 2-3 minutes)
Chinese video
Reading Practice: (When listening, please say it along with finger pointing. 2-3 minutes per day)
小学华文(Better Chinese)
WRITING PRACTICE: (Writing paper due 5/15)
Chinese Writing Practice (Please write two square boxes in each characters and have your child read it to you)
星期 (week), 什么(What? ), 明天 (tomorrow), 我 的 (my), 吗 (question),这 (this),是 (is ), , 有 (have), 和 (and), 那 (that)
Stroke order practice:
Show & Tell
Envision Math (as assigned,due date is 5/17)
Practice work 5/4-5/8 (please Choose one item each day for 2-3 minutes)
Chinese video
Reading Practice: (When listening, please say it along with finger pointing. 2-3 minutes per day)
小学华文(Better Chinese)
WRITING PRACTICE: (Writing paper due 5/8)
Chinese Writing Practice (Dear Parents: last week most of your child didn't do good with their test. We will retake it again this Friday. Please write two square boxes in each characters and have your child read it to you)
眼睛 (eye), 鼻子 (nose),耳朵 (ear),头发 (hair), 那(that), 手(hand)
Stroke order practice
Show & Tell
Math Practice: (for those students finish it with quiz. They will receive 5 nicles.)
Envision Math (as assigned,due date is 5/10)
Practice work 4/27-5/1 (please Choose one item each day for 2-3 minutes)
Chinese video
Reading Practice: (When listening, please say it along with finger pointing. 2-3 minutes per day)
小学华文(Better Chinese)
WRITING PRACTICE: (Writing paper due 5/1)
Chinese Writing Practice (Please write two square boxes in each characters and have your child read it to you)
眼睛 (eye), 鼻子 (nose),耳朵 (ear),头发 (hair), 那(that), 手(hand)
Stroke order practice
Show & Tell
Math Practice: (for those students finish it with quiz. They will receive 5 nicles.)
Envision Math (as assigned,due date is 5/2)
Chinese video
Reading Practice: (When listening, please say it along with finger pointing. 2-3 minutes per day)
小学华文(Better Chinese)
WRITING PRACTICE: (Writing paper due 4/24)
Chinese Writing Practice (Please write two square boxes in each characters and have your child read it to you)
这 (This), 是 (is),有 (have, has),谁 (who), 爱(love), 可爱(lovely)
Stroke order practice
Math Practice: (for those students finish it with quiz. They will receive 5 nicles.)
Envision Math (as assigned,due date is 4/26)
Chinese video
Reading Practice: (When listening, please say it along with finger pointing. 2-3 minutes per day)
小学华文(Better Chinese)
WRITING PRACTICE: (Writing paper due 3/20)
Chinese Writing Practice (Please write two square boxes in each characters and have your child read it to you)
看 (see), 他 (he),朵 (measurement word),儿 (it doesn't have any meaning by itself. It needs to combine with other work in order to create new meaning.), 个 (measurement word), 哪儿(where)
Stroke order practice
Math Practice: (for those students finish it with quiz. They will receive 5 nicles.)
Envision Math (as assigned,due date is 4/17)
Practice work 3/30-4/3 (please Choose one item each day for 2-3 minutes)
Chinese video
Reading Practice: (When listening, please say it along with finger pointing. 2-3 minutes per day)
小学华文(Better Chinese)
WRITING PRACTICE: (Writing paper due 3/20)
Chinese Writing Practice (Please write two square boxes in each characters and have your child read it to you)
你 ( you), 我 (I), 他 (He), 她 (she), 喜欢 (like), 现在 ( now)
Stroke order practice
Math Practice: (for those students finish it with quiz. They will receive 5 nicles.)
Envision Math (as assigned,due date is 4/5)
Practice work 3/23-3/27 (please Choose one item each day for 2-3 minutes)
Chinese video
Reading Practice: (When listening, please say it along with finger pointing. 2-3 minutes per day)
小学华文(Better Chinese)
WRITING PRACTICE: (Writing paper due 3/20)
Chinese Writing Practice (Please write two square boxes in each characters and have your child read it to you)
月 (moon)山(mountain) 石(rock) 田(field) 土 (dirt) 水(water) 火(fire) 木 (wood) 禾(grain), 地 (ground)
Stroke order practice
Practice work 3/16-3/20 (please Choose one item each day for 2-3 minutes)
Chinese video
Better Chinese 11 zhongwe12
Reading Practice: (When listening, please say it along with finger pointing. 2-3 minutes per day)
小学华文(Better Chinese)
WRITING PRACTICE: (Writing paper due 3/20)
Chinese Writing Practice (Please write two square boxes in each characters and have your child read it to you)
马( horse) , 羊(Goat), 虫 (insect), 鸟 (bird), 草 (grass),黄 (yellow), 白 (white),黑 (black),
红 (red), 绿(green), 蓝(blue)
Stroke order practice
Math Practice: (for those students finish it with quiz. They will receive 5 nicles.)
Envision Math (as assigned,due date is 3/22)
Chinese video
Better Chinese 11 zhongwe12
Reading Practice: (When listening, please say it along with finger pointing. 2-3 minutes per day)
小学华文(Better Chinese)
WRITING PRACTICE: (Writing paper due 2/13)
Chinese Writing Practice (Please write two square boxes in each characters and have your child read it to you)
马( horse) , 羊(Goat), 虫 (insect), 鸟 (bird), 草 (grass),黄 (yellow), 白 (white),黑 (black),
红 (red), 绿(green), 蓝(blue)
Stroke order practice
Math Practice: (for those students finish it with quiz. They will receive 5 nicles.)
Envision Math (as assigned,due date is 3/15)
Practice work 3/2-3/6 (please Choose one item each day for 2-3 minutes)
Chinese video
Better Chinese 12 zhongwen7
Reading Practice: (When listening, please say it along with finger pointing. 2-3 minutes per day)
小学华文(Better Chinese)
WRITING PRACTICE: (Writing paper due 2/13)
Chinese Writing Practice (Please write two square boxes in each characters and have your child read it to you)
牛奶 (milk),认识 (to acquaint), 喜欢 (like),现在(now),再见(good-bye),吃 (eat), 喝 (drink), 什么( what?),要 (want), 想 (think)
Stroke order practice
Practice work 2/23-2/26 (please Choose one item each day for 2-3 minutes)
Chinese video
Better Chinese 12 zhongwen7
Reading Practice: (When listening, please say it along with finger pointing. 2-3 minutes per day)
小学华文(Better Chinese)
WRITING PRACTICE: (Writing paper due 2/13)
Chinese Writing Practice (Please write two square boxes in each characters and have your child read it to you)
苹果 (apple),吃 (eat),喜欢 (like), 鱼 (fish),现在(now), 要 (want),想 (think), 再见(good-bye),我们(we), 牛(cow)
Stroke order practice
Practice work 2/17-2/20 (please Choose one item each day for 2-3 minutes)
Chinese video
Better Chinese 12 zhongwen7
Reading Practice: (When listening, please say it along with finger pointing. 2-3 minutes per day)
小学华文(Better Chinese)
WRITING PRACTICE: (Writing paper due 2/13)
Chinese Writing Practice (Please write two square boxes in each characters and have your child read it to you)
高兴 (happy),喝 (drink), 很好 (very good), 你们 (you),见(to see), 要 (want),想 (think), 吃 (eat),可乐(coke), 汽水(soda)
Stroke order practice
Math Practice: (Optional, for those students finish it with quiz. They will receive 5 nicles.)
Envision Math (as assigned,due date is 2/22)
Practice work 2/9-2/13 (please Choose one item each day for 2-3 minutes)
Chinese video
BC 7 & Zhongwen 11
Reading Practice: (When listening, please say it along with finger pointing. 2-3 minutes per day)
小学华文(Better Chinese)
WRITING PRACTICE: (Writing paper due 2/13)
Chinese Writing Practice (Please write two square boxes in each characters and have your child read it to you)
高兴 (happy),喝 (drink),什么 (What?), 很 (very), 今天(today),明天(tomorrow), 昨天 (yesterday), 妈妈 (mother), 爸爸(father), 姐姐(big sister),
Stroke Order Practice
Math Practice: (Optional, for those students finish it with quiz. They will receive 5 nicles.)
Envision Math (as assigned,due date is 2/15)
Practice work 2/2-2/4 (please Choose one item each day for 2-3 minutes)
Chinese video
BC 7 & Zhongwen 11
Chinese Writing Practice (Please write two square boxes in each characters and have your child read it to you)
学校 (school),谢谢 (thank),家 (home), 你好(Hello),她 (she), 小狗 (little dog), 是 (is, am), 爱(love), 本子(notebook), 我爱你(I love you)
Stroke Order Practice
Math Practice: (Optional, for those students finish it with quiz. They will receive 5 nicles.)
Envision Math (as assigned,due date is 2/8)
Practice work 1/26-1/30(please Choose one item each day for 2-3 minutes)
Chinese video
BC 7 & Zhongwen 11
WRITING PRACTICE: (Writing paper due 2/1)
Chinese Writing Practice (Please write two square boxes in each characters and have your child read it to you)
学校 (school),谢谢 (thank),家 (home), 你好(Hello),她 (she), 小狗 (little dog), 是 (is, am), 爱(love), 本子(notebook), 我爱你(I love you)
Stroke Order Practice
Math Practice: (Optional, for those students finish it with quiz. They will receive 5 nicles.)
Envision Math (as assigned,due date is 2/1)
Practice work 1/20-1/23 (please Choose one item each day for 2-3 minutes)
Chinese video
BC 7 & Zhongwen 11
WRITING PRACTICE: (Writing paper due 1/23)
Chinese Writing Practice (Please write two square boxes in each characters and have your child read it to you)
学生 (student),老师 (teacher),我 (I), 爱(love),你(you),是(are, am, is),认 (to know),哪里 (where?) (where?), 哪国人 (what nationality?),家
Stroke Order Practice
Math Practice: (Optional, for those students finish it with quiz. They will receive 5 nicles.)
Envision Math (as assigned,due date is 1/23)
Chinese video
BC 7 & Zhongwen 11
WRITING PRACTICE: (Writing paper due 1/16)
Chinese Writing Practice (Please write two square boxes in each characters and have your child read it to you)
朋友 (friend),认 (to know),面 (surface or side), 在 (at), 哪国 (which country?), 哪里 (where?), 哪国人 (what nationality?) 里面 (inside)
Stroke Order Practice
Math Practice: (Optional, for those students finish it with quiz. They will receive 5 nicles.)
Envision Math (as assigned,due date is 1/16)
Practice work 1/5-1/9 (please Choose one item each day for 2-3 minutes)
Chinese video
Class frequently use words
WRITING PRACTICE: (Writing paper due 1/9)
Chinese Writing Practice (Please write two square boxes in each characters and have your child read it to you)
朋友 (friend),认 (to know),面 (surface or side), 在 (at), 哪国 (which country?), 哪里 (where?), 哪国人 (what nationality?)
Stroke Order Practice
Math Practice: (Optional, for those students finish it with quiz. They will receive 5 nicles.)
Envision Math (as assigned,due date is 1/11)
Some parents suggested me to have English definition for the Chinese characters, so I include the quizlet with it.
Chinese Writing Practice (Please write three boxes in each characters and have your child read it to you)
Chinese video
Chinese characters stroke order:星期 (week), 什么(What? ), 明天 (tomorrow), 我 的 (my), 吗 (question),这 (this),是 (is ), , 有 (have), 和 (and), 那 (that)
BetterChinese lesson 9
We are working toward the goal: no English in the classroom. Please have your child be familiar with below sentences.
Class frequently use words
Math Practice:Class frequently use words
Envision Math (Topics 4, 5 test as assigned,due date is 12/18)
Practice work 12/1-12/5 (please do each item daily for 2-3 minutes)
Some parents suggested me to have English definition for the Chinese characters, so I include the quizlet with it.
Chinese Writing Practice (Please write three boxes in each characters and have your child read it to you)
Chinese video (Please watch the first one to be familiar with months in Chinese)
BetterChinese lesson 9
Math Practice:
Envision Math (Topics as assigned,due date is 12/7)
Practice work 11/24-11/25 (please do each item daily for 2-3 minutes)
Some parents suggested me to have English definition for the Chinese characters, so I include the quizlet with it.
Chinese video (Please watch the first one to be familiar with months in Chinese)
Please tell your child that he/she can earn 5 nickels if they can sing family song by heart.
Math Practice:
Envision Math (Topics as assigned)Please have you students watch Doubling and Sum movie. For those students can sing their Doubling and Sum movie by heart (see Practice page 11/10-11/13) , they will earn 5 nickels.
Note: Please watch the tutorial video and do the quiz. For those students finished all their Math practices, they will earn 4 nickels each week.
For students who get 100 on their Chinese quiz, Math topic test, or any quiz, they will earn 3 nickels. For those who get 90+ will earn 2 nickels.
Homework 11/17-11/21 (please do each item daily for 2-3 minutes)
Some parents suggested me to have English definition for the Chinese characters, so I include the quizlet with it.
Chinese video (Please watch the first one to be familiar with months in Chinese)
Please tell your child that he/she can earn 5 nickels if they can sing family song by hear.
Quizlet Zhongwen 9 family9 family
Friday Chinese Character Test: 爸爸,妈妈,哥哥,爱,姐姐
(I will send the writing worksheet home for student to practice on Monday)
Friday Chinese Character Test: 爸爸,妈妈,哥哥,爱,姐姐
(I will send the writing worksheet home for student to practice on Monday)
Math homework:
Envision Math (Topics as assigned)Please have you students watch Doubling and Sum movie. For those students can sing their Doubling and Sum movie by heart (see Homework 11/10-11/13) , they will earn 5 nickels.
Note: Please watch the tutorial video and do the quiz. For those students finished all their homework, they will earn 4 nickels each week.
For students who get 100 on their Chinese quiz, Math topic test, or any quiz, they will earn 3 3 nickels. For those who get 90+ will earn 2 nickels.
Homework 11/10-11/13 (please do each item daily for 2-3 minutes)
Some parents suggested me to have English definition for the Chinese characters, so I include the quizlet with it.
Chinese video (Please watch the first one to be familiar with months in Chinese)
中文第四课 (Zhong Wen 1-4)
BC lesson 8
Friday Chinese Character Test: 我 (I),你( you),有(have),什么 (what)(I will send the writing worksheet home for student to practice on Monday)
Please have you students watch Doubling and Sum movie. For those students can sing their Doubling and Sum movie by heart, they will earn 5 dragon scales.
倍数加法:(doubling addition)
加数和总和:(addend and sum)
Homework 11/03-11/07 (please do each item daily for 2-3 minutes)Friday Chinese Character Test: 我 (I),你( you),有(have),什么 (what)(I will send the writing worksheet home for student to practice on Monday)
Math homework:
Envision Math (Topics as assigned)Please have you students watch Doubling and Sum movie. For those students can sing their Doubling and Sum movie by heart, they will earn 5 dragon scales.
倍数加法:(doubling addition)
加数和总和:(addend and sum)
Some parents suggested me to have English definition for the Chinese characters, so I include the quizlet with it.
Chinese video (Please watch the first one to be familiar with months in Chinese)
中文第四课 (Zhong Wen 1-4)
BC lesson 8
Friday Chinese Character Test: 中,去,头,耳,手,有,个,大,小,多
Chinese Character Test:
Math homework:
Envision Math (Topic 5 as assign)Friday Chinese Character Test: 中,去,头,耳,手,有,个,大,小,多
Chinese Character Test:
Math homework:
Note: Please watch the tutorial video and do the quiz. For those students finished all their homework, they will earn 4 dragon scales each week.
For students who get 100 on their Chinese quiz, Math topic test, or any quiz, they will earn 3 dragon scales. For those who get 90+ will earn 2 dragon scales, and for those who get 80+ will earn 1 dragon scale.
Homework 10/27-10/31 (please do each item daily for 2-3 minutes)
Some parents suggested me to have English definition for the Chinese characters, so I include the quizlet with it.
Chinese video
中文第四课 (Zhong Wen 1-4)
Envision Math (Topic1- 4)
Homework 10/20-10/24 (please do each item daily for 2-3 minutes)
Some parents suggested me to have English definition for the Chinese characters, so I include the quizlet with it.
Chinese video
Better Chinese Lesson 5
考试的生词 Zhong wen 2( Chinese characters test review)
quizlet BC4 (Parents you can find the above Chinese characters in the quizlet with English meaning; however, those characters are not in order.)
Some parents suggested me to have English definition for the Chinese characters, so I include the quizlet with it.
Chinese video
考试的生词 Zhong wen 2( Chinese vocabulary test review)
quizlet BC4 (Parents you can find the above Chinese characters in the quizlet with English meaning; however, those characters are not in order.)
Math homework:
Envision Math
Homework 10/6-10/9 (please do each item daily for 2-3 minutes)
Chinese video
考试的生词 Zhong wen 2( Chinese vocabulary test review)
quizlet BC4 (Parents you can find the above Chinese characters in the quizlet with English meaning; however, those characters are not in order.)
Math homework:
Envision Math
Homework 9/29-10/2 (please do each item daily for 2-3 minutes)
Chinese video
考试的生词( Chinese vocabulary test review)
Math homework:
Envision Math
Homework 9/22-9/26 (please do each item daily for 2-3 minutes)
你是哪国人?(What is your nationality?)
Chinese video
考试的生词( Chinese vocabulary test review)
Math homework: (Parents, you will see first three assignment, then two more tutorial videos will post on 9/24)
Envision Math
Homework 9/15-9/18
Chinese homework: (please do each item daily for 2-3 minutes)
考试的生词(This week Chinese test vocabulary)
( Note: Parents, please click arrow sign to see the stroke order. Click on the right hand side, the to hear the sound. Click the to see the picture. Please feel free to contact me for all your concerned and questions:)
Math homework: (same as last week)
Envision Math
Homework 9/8-9/12
Chinese homework: (please do each item daily for 2-3 minutes)
Quizlet BC 1-3
Chinese video
Chinese vocabulary with stroke order ( Note: Parents, please click arrow sign
to see the stroke order. Click on the right hand side, the to hear the sound. Click the to see the picture. Please feel free to contact for all your concerned and questions.)
Math homework:
Envision Math
Homework 9/1-9/5
Chinese homework: (please do each item daily for 2-3 minutes)
Chinese video
Math homework:
Envision Math
Week 8/25-8/29
Chinese homework:
Chinese video
Math homework:
Envision Math
Homework Disclosure
Chinese homework:
Each week from next week, students will either receive Quizlet (vocabulary), Chinese video, little books, or Chinese writing book for their homework. Please have your students practice Quizlet 2-3 minutes per day and write one or two words per day. The best and effective way for your student to learn the Chinese is to practice Chinese 2-5 minutes daily, instead of finishing all the assignment in one day.
Math homework:
From next Monday-Thursday,
students will receive preparation and practice homework together for 5
minutes. The math homework will include
2-3 minutes watching unit tutoring video in Envision and practice math
vocabulary words daily. The
purpose of watching unit tutoring video is to allow students pre-explore the
subject I will teach that day. The
practice homework (vocabulary flash card) 2-3 minutes is to provide additional
reinforcement to build automaticity in the concept being practiced.
Homework Due Date:
The Envision Math tutorial
video will be assigned every Friday with due date.
The Math vocabulary
practice homework will be given to students every Monday on my blog.
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